
Modify PwdLastSet for testing Update ExtensionAttribute 14 and Description Overwrite and update the account description. With your DA account, set user account attributes. Same but with an extensionAttribute Various other examples…

pwsh..Search Applications

Use PowerShell to find list of installed software quickly PowerShell: Check installed software list <u>locally</u> 1. Get installed software list with Get-WmiObject In this method, a simple query: Filter the data to find specific applications from a single vendor, together with their versions, for example: The above works well but it is sloooooow. 2. Query … Read more


RSAT instructions, including netsh for proxy Reference:

pwsh..Password Mgmt

Password Not Expire Searching All Only enabled users Enable only, plus excluding HealthMailbox because it craps up the results Expiry Extend password expiration Run the following command to reset the pwdlastset attribute to 0. Next run the command to reset the pwdlastset attribute to -1. IMPORTANT: You need to run both commands do not just … Read more

pwsh..Monitoring Resources

Test-Netconnection from a list. From the Registry — Checking both keys for software Then load those results and search for firefox Examples from the web To fetch CPU utilization To fetch memory utilization From PDQ Testing it Look to make sure the format is correct for process time. See the example below how it is … Read more

pwsh..LAPS admPwd

Simple one liner to retrieve LAPS password Replace Export-Csv with OGV or other as needed. Gathering LAPS info in hughman readable remove -filter and add the computerName if running against 1 system Pulling from all servers